Sayyedina Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (Rehmatullah alaih) without a shadow of doubt is the biggest Wali Allah in this world. All wishes and all requests are approved by him. His feet are on the neck of all Auliya Allah. He is present everywhere at all times as well. His coming was told by the Prophet (sallal laho alaihe wa aalehi wa sallam). He promised that any Muslim who will call me in need I will come for his help and believe me he does. I personally called him many times for help and he came. All Auliya Allah say that if you have any problem/ Hajat/Wish you should call him. In case of emergency where ever you are, just shout 3 times in loud voice "Ya Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani Sheyin lillah" that problem will be go away immediately. That is guaranteed. Dont believe me? Try it.
This is how you call him in normal circumstances if you have a problem or hajat.
Every night after Esha Salah read 1000 times ….."Ya Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani Sheyin lillah"
Darood/Salawat 10 times before and after. (For arabic version click here)
While reading it think of your hajat. Insallah within 3 days it will be solved. This is guaranteed. His name acts as Isim-e-Azam.
If it does not, please keep on reading it. until you see a dream. You will be told if your hajat / wish has been answered. You will see either a dead member of your family or a wali allah telling you that your problem will be solved. If you are a very very salih person you may see him and in that case, he guaranteed jannah for any one who saw him.
After finishing the wazifa do not do a dua as during the wazifa you have been thinking of it. You are asking him for help.
It is forbidden to do any wazifa for any hajat during this wazifa. You can ask for all your hajat through this wazifa.
There is no savab for this wazifa. Hence you cant send any savab.
If you wish, you can read the dua all the time, 24 hours a day, with or without wudu.
Sisters please continue the wazifa with darood/salavat even during periods.