The man/woman who wants to marry or his/her parents can do this wazifa. Other people can not do it.
Clothes, prayer mat (sajjada/musallah) time and place must be the same every day. You can not talk to anyone or if anyone disturbed you during the wazifa, it will not work. You must be alone in a room.
For 11 days after every Esha Salah read
Darood/Salavat 11 times.
11000 times "Ya mo-ti" (Allahs name). (یَامُعْطِیُ)
Darood/Salavat 11 times.
Do a dua after you finish the wazifa every day. Insallah with 11 days you will be engaged and will find the right person to marry. This is a tried and tested wazifa. You must do 5 times salah during this period and follow Islamic laws. If you did not then it will take longer to work. Please blame yourself if you do not get married with in 11 days. If during the wazifa you see yourself getting married in a dream, you might, it means the wazifa is working. Do not get dishearted and stop doing it.
Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas. You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.