Anyone who will read Surah Muzamil 41 times on Friday night..the night between Thursday and Friday.......will see the Prophet (Sallal laho alaihe wa aalihi wa sallaim) Insha'a Allah.
Please read Darood/salavat 11 times before and after. Wear ittir (non alocoholic perfume) when you read it and sleep like the Prophet (Sallal laho alaihe wa aalihi wa sallaim) used to sleep. If you don’t see him in your dream do it again the next Friday night.
Remember we are all sinners. The highest thing in our religion is to see the Prophet (Sallal laho alaihi wa aalehi wa sallim) in a dream. Anyone who saw the Prophet (Sallal laho alaihi wa aalehi wa sallim) in his dream, according to Hadis Prophets (sallal laho alaihi wa aalehi wa sallim) shifat becomes vajib (compulsory) for him. Meaning he will go to Jannah for sure. It does not mean he will not do any more sins (if you are thinking that) but it means whatever sins he will do, Allah will give him the tofeek (permission) to do a true tobah. So he will die clean. Apart from this there is no guarantee in our religion.
Before you start any wazifa, remember that all wazifas given by me are approved by Sayyedina Maulana Jalal Ud Din Rumi (Rehmatullah Alaih) personally. My master has graciously approved my wazifas. You must send all Savab / Hasana of what ever wazifa you do, to him first. Only then the wazifas will work. Please read carefully how to send the savab correctly from this website.